Sunday, August 28, 2011

She's walking!

Isabelle took her first steps, a total of three, for the first time on Friday, August 5, 2011.

It took her a few days after that to officially start walking. They were small destiniation, like from the couch to the recliner, but once she started getting the hang of balance she was walking from the kitchen to her bedroom.

She is walking almost everywhere now. I can't believe I have a walking baby now....oh wait, I guess that means she is offically not a baby anymore. :-( Well, she will always be my matter how old she gets.

She is not a 100% walker yet, but I am sure she will be walking a lot more and everywhere in a few weeks. This is making me look forward to Halloween! She can dress-up and hold her own trick-or-treat bag...this will be fun!

Saturday, May 21, 2011

My baby girl turns 1!

Isabelle turned a year old on May 10, 2011!

I really can't believe that it's been a year's gone by WAY too fast! Happy Birthday baby girl, I love you so much!!

Friday, March 25, 2011

Like mother, Like daughter

Here is a picture of me as a baby...I think I am about 10-11 months old.

And here is Isabelle at 10 months.

And she's off...

Isabelle is officially a crawler now. She started crawling on all fours the other day.

She was commando crawling towards her kitty, Rosalie, and her daddy's slippers. Well, when we moved the slippers, she focused her attention on Rosalie. Once she realized that Rosalie was faster than her, she got up on all four and speeded downs the cat.

Now, she crawls around everyone, but usually she is after the cat...Rosalie acts like she doesn't like Isabelle, but I truly think that cat loves her.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

First Tooth!!

Isabelle's first tooth finally came in on Friday, March 11th...a day after she turned 10 months old. Now, we are just waiting for her to go from commando crawling/scooting to full hands and knees crawling.
On another note, she is becoming a pro at pulling herself up into a standing position...we may have a walker on our hands soon.

Friday, March 4, 2011

Teething and Crawling

On Tuesday, I noticed that Isabelle's bottom gums were very swollen, so I put my finger in her mouth and rubbed it along the gumline...and sure enough, there was something hard there. Well, the next night when I was changing her I took a look in her mouth and saw a little white thing right below the gumlime. So, Isabelle should have a tiny little tooth any day now.

Hopefully that tooth comes in soon because my munchkin has been in a lot of pain lately and she isn't sleeping very well at night these days.

Now, on to good news! Isabelle is very close to figuring out how to crawl. She can now do the commando crawl very well and last night she finally learned how to use to knees when moving; she just hasn't figured out how to get up on her hands and knees at the same time and move. So, crawling may also be something that happens within the next few days and maybe a week or two, but it's definitely coming though!

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

The reason I am here

Isabelle is the reason I am here...I was brought into this world to give birth to a beautiful little girl who has changed my life for the better and is the reason I wake up every day. She truly is the joy and love of my life and I can't image my life without her.

Her smile and laugher gets me through my day and helps me remember that I am blessed.

If she wasn't in my life, I am not sure where I would be right now.

Monday, January 24, 2011

Making an effort...

The last time I posted was in September when Isabelle was only 4 months old...well, she is now 8 1/2 months old and things are very different now.

She is getting so big! She is "talking" now, rolling over, sitting up, standing (with support), and truly growing into her own personality. She is also sleeping through the night...wait, scratch that. She WAS sleeping through the night from 6 months old to about 2 weeks ago. For some reason she is now waking up a lot during the night and sometimes I even have to get up and give her a bottle. I am not 100% positive, but I think it's from teething and a growing spurt. Hopefully, she starts sleeping through the night again soon because Nathan and I are very tired these days.

Also, she is finally not afraid of her crib or her playpen. She actually takes naps in her crib now and loves playing in her playpen. She still sleeps with us as night, but hopefully she will be in her crib all the time...we are making progress with little baby steps.

Well, I am going to make an effort to keep this blog up-to-date and post more pictures...I don't have many followers, but at least this gives me another hobby to try and stay on top of.


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