Sunday, March 15, 2009


Hello everyone,
I just wanted to announce that I am now an Avon Sales Representative.
I just started selling two days ago and I have never done this before, so it's all still really new to me, so please be patient with me.

You can order from me personally through the books and I can place the order, or you can go to my website and order that way:

www. youravon. com/kmarraffino

If you do order from the website, please let me know because I need to keep track of everything. Thanks!

Please take a look.
Avon has some amazing products!!

1 comment:

Dena said...

Are you gonna get a pretty lavendar suit and pillbox hat & go door to door like Diane Wiest's character in Edward Scissorhands? ;)
Every time I hear Avon or look at one of the catalogs that's what I think of!
Congrats & I hope you do really well! I've thought about doing it myself on occasion but that's all the further it ever gets!


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