Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Update on moving

Nathan and I decided not to move to Florida...we will be moving to Montana the second week in May of 2009. We plan on moving to Great Falls, Montana, getting jobs, and then eventually buying land out there.

Nathan wants to move in March after we both get out income tax money, but I want to stay until May because I don't want to have to ask for time off from a new job when Nathan and I fly out to California in April to go to my friends wedding. He agreed, so the plan is our last day of work here in Colorado will be May 15th and we will be moving that weekend.

Between the two of us saving and the money from our income taxes, we should have enough money to move, get a place, and live off of until we both find jobs.


Kira said...

Wow! Good luck kimberly! That sounds so exciting =)

if I were you I would start doing some research soon along with job hunting asap! That way you could line up a job for yourself from the minute you move into town!

**sending good wishes your way**

Dena said...

Wow! Montana?! I would love to move there!! May is a good time to move, March is still wintertime up there LOL!!
Hey we'll be closer neighbors then, I smell an LP Out in the Boonies meet!! HAHAHA!!


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